Thank you so much for your wonderful card with your beautiful painting of Gala -- it's amazing how detailed you painted her, we were so surprised :)
Gala is a member of our family and we wouldn't give her away for nothing in the world. She loves to play (therefore we invented some new games e.g. with the newspaper or by moving a little piece of cardboard under the door). But she also like to relax in the sun or just to be near us. She is so cute!
Because of working, we searched and found a tomcat for Gala. His name is Lancelot and he looks a little bit like a cow ;)
At the beginning it wasn't the best relationship between them because he was very shy and contact avoidance. Gala always tried to motivate him to play with her but he didn't want it. Fortunatly it's getting better and better so they playful chase each other and they also lay beside each other -- yesterday Gala cleaned Lancelot's head.

Best regards from Germany and a very lovingly Prrrrrrrrrrrrrr from Gala to you

Andrea y Jan

p.s.: thank you very much for rescuing and hosting her!!!


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