This is the wonderful story of ABU. When he came, nobody had realized that he could not open this mouth, as all muscles in his face were totally atrophic: he suffered from a Eosinophile Myositis (Canine atrophic masticatory muscle myositis). Simply said: his mouth only opened 1 centimeter. He was very skinny and could only eat/drink if it was liquid.
At Munich University a treatment with Prednisolon and Antibiotics was startet, and after 6 months he could take small kibble food, play with toys and run normally as he could breath better.
Then we found him a family who is totally dealing with his problems and calls us, as soon as the slightest problem appears. Now he had his teeth cleaned and enjoys life. His owners drive with him to the Black Forest (as the air is better there for the dog ;o))), and to the atlantic for the same reason...........
I hope you all like these photos and encourage you to continue, even with cases like Abu.
Happy Holidays to you all.
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